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Web App Navigation Reference for Managers

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Use this article to help find settings or features in the When I Work web app. This article is intended for users with admin, manager, or supervisor level access. If you are an employee, check out Web App Navigation Reference for Employees.

Navigation bar

navigation bar

The navigation bar is the starting point for all the actions in the When I Work web app.

Name Notifications
Name Dashboard
Name Scheduler
Name Attendance
Name Payroll
Name WorkChat
Name Reports
Name Requests
Name Workplace
Name Gear¹
Name Profile
Callout Name
a Notifications
b Dashboard
c Scheduler
d Attendance
e Payroll
f WorkChat
g Reports
h Requests
i Workplace
j Gear¹
k Profile

¹This menu item is not available to the supervisor access level.


Notifications nav button

The Notification area in the top-left corner of the screen allows you to see what’s happened in your account while you were away.

Learn more about notifications.


Dashboard menu item

The  Dashboard gives you a snapshot of what’s going on with your workplace.

Learn more about the Dashboard.


Scheduler nav item

Use the  Scheduler to create and manage the schedule for your workplace. The schedule displays scheduled shifts, annotations, user’s availability preferences, and approved time off.

Learn more about the Scheduler.


Use the  Attendance menu to manage all of your time tracking functionality.

Name Timesheets
DescriptionReview your user’s timesheets.
Name Time Tracker
DescriptionCompare scheduled shifts with actual clocked in hours.
Name Take Lunch /
End Lunch
DescriptionSelect to start an unpaid break or end an unpaid break.
Name Clock In /
Clock Out
DescriptionSelect to Clock In or Clock Out from your shift.
Name Lock as Terminal
DescriptionLock the computer as a time clock terminal.
Callout Name Description
a Timesheets Review your user’s timesheets.
b Time Tracker Compare scheduled shifts with actual clocked in hours.
c Take Lunch /
End Lunch
Select to start an unpaid break or end an unpaid break.
d Clock In /
Clock Out
Select to Clock In or Clock Out from your shift.
e Lock as Terminal Lock the computer as a time clock terminal.

Your time clock related options may differ depending on your plan and what features you have enabled.


Use Payroll to manage all of your payroll related tasks.

Learn more about Payroll.


WorkChat menu item

Use  WorkChat to communicate with your coworkers in real time without exchanging personal contact information. Open WorkChat to start sending messages to your users.

Learn more about Workchat.

If WorkChat is disabled, a Message Staff button appears instead.


Use Reports to view exports and create custom reports.

Learn more about Reports.


requests drop down
Use the  Requests menu to submit a request and process requests. You can perform the following actions from the Requests menu:

Name Request Time Off
DescriptionSubmit a time off request.
Name Time Off Requests
DescriptionView and process all time off requests.
Name Shift Requests
DescriptionView and process all shift requests.
Name OpenShift Requests
DescriptionView and process all OpenShift requests.
Name Absences
DescriptionHow Tracking Absences Works
Callout Name Description
a Request Time Off Submit a time off request.
b Time Off Requests View and process all time off requests.
c Shift Requests View and process all shift requests.
d OpenShift Requests View and process all OpenShift requests.
e Absences How Tracking Absences Works


workplace drop down

The  Workplace menu focuses on your business and includes the following options:

Name Users
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove users.
Name Positions
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove positions.
Name Tags
DescriptionCreate and manage tags.
Name Schedules
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove schedules.
Name Job Sites
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove job sites.
Name Shift Templates
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove shift templates.
Name Task Lists
DescriptionView, add, edit, or remove task lists.
Name Documents
DescriptionUpload, share, and view documents.
Callout Name Description
a Users View, add, edit, or remove users.
b Positions View, add, edit, or remove positions.
c Tags Create and manage tags.
d Schedules View, add, edit, or remove schedules.
e Job Sites View, add, edit, or remove job sites.
f Shift Templates View, add, edit, or remove shift templates.
g Task Lists View, add, edit, or remove task lists.
h Documents Upload, share, and view documents.


gear icon settings

The  Gear menu focuses on all When I Work settings and includes the following options:

Name General Settings
DescriptionMake changes to your When I Work app settings.
Name Time Off Settings
DescriptionMake changes to your time off settings.
Name Scheduling Settings
DescriptionMake changes to your scheduling settings.
Name Attendance Settings
DescriptionMake changes to your attendance settings.
Name Integrations
DescriptionAdd an integration to the When I Work app.
Name Account & Billing
DescriptionMake changes to your account and billing information. ¹
Callout Name Description
a General Settings Make changes to your When I Work app settings.
b Time Off Settings Make changes to your time off settings.
c Scheduling Settings Make changes to your scheduling settings.
d Attendance Settings Make changes to your attendance settings.
e Integrations Add an integration to the When I Work app.
f Account & Billing Make changes to your account and billing information. ¹

¹This menu item is only available to the admin access level.


profile drop down

The Profile menu focuses on your personal settings and includes the following options:

Name My Profile
DescriptionYour personal profile for the When I Work app.
Name My Schedule
DescriptionView your schedule, confirm your shifts, and pick up OpenShifts.
Name My Availability
DescriptionMake changes to your availability.
Name Paystubs
DescriptionView your paystubs.
Name My Alert Preferences
DescriptionMake changes to your alert preferences.
Name Switch Workplaces
DescriptionIf you are associated with multiple workplaces, you can switch between them here.
Name Log Out
DescriptionLog out of When I Work.
Callout Name Description
a My Profile Your personal profile for the When I Work app.
b My Schedule View your schedule, confirm your shifts, and pick up OpenShifts.
c My Availability Make changes to your availability.
d Paystubs View your paystubs.
e My Alert Preferences Make changes to your alert preferences.
f Switch Workplaces If you are associated with multiple workplaces, you can switch between them here.
g Log Out Log out of When I Work.


Updated on May 22, 2024

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