Scheduler Reference Guide

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Use the Scheduler to create and manage the schedule for your workplace.

You can access the Scheduler in the When I Work web app at any time by clicking the  Scheduler tab at the top of the page.

The schedule

The schedule displays scheduled shifts, annotations, user’s availability preferences, and approved time off.scheduler definitions



Use annotations to send your staff an announcement, let them know your business is closed, or prevent them from taking time off.

Click Annotation button next to a date to add or edit an annotation.


Use OpenShifts to offer shifts to a select group of qualified users (based on position). Eligible users can pick up OpenShifts that haven’t already been claimed.

To schedule an OpenShift, click in the OpenShifts row or drag an existing shift into the OpenShifts row.

If there are four or more OpenShifts scheduled for a day in week view, the OpenShifts menu can be collapsed and expanded.

NameUnpublished shift
DescriptionUnpublished shifts are not visible to users. You can identify unpublished shifts by their diagonal stripes.
NamePublished shift
DescriptionPublished shifts are visible to employees. All published shifts have solid colors.
NameTime off
DescriptionThe user has time off.
NameAvailability preference (preferred)
DescriptionThe user prefers to work on this day. Hover your pointer over the triangle to view the user’s preferred hours.
NameAvailability preference (unavailable)
DescriptionThe user is unavailable for some of the day.  Hover your pointer over the triangle to view the user’s unavailable hours.
NameAvailability preference (unavailable all day)
DescriptionThe user is unavailable all day.
Callout Name Description
a Annotation

Use annotations to send your staff an announcement, let them know your business is closed, or prevent them from taking time off.

Click Annotation button next to a date to add or edit an annotation.

b OpenShift

Use OpenShifts to offer shifts to a select group of qualified users (based on position). Eligible users can pick up OpenShifts that haven’t already been claimed.

To schedule an OpenShift, click in the OpenShifts row or drag an existing shift into the OpenShifts row.

If there are four or more OpenShifts scheduled for a day in week view, the OpenShifts menu can be collapsed and expanded.

c Unpublished shift Unpublished shifts are not visible to users. You can identify unpublished shifts by their diagonal stripes.
d Published shift Published shifts are visible to employees. All published shifts have solid colors.
e Time off The user has time off.
f Availability preference (preferred) The user prefers to work on this day. Hover your pointer over the triangle to view the user’s preferred hours.
g Availability preference (unavailable) The user is unavailable for some of the day.  Hover your pointer over the triangle to view the user’s unavailable hours.
h Availability preference (unavailable all day) The user is unavailable all day.

Adding shifts

To add a shift, simply click the appropriate cell in the schedule and fill out the shift details.


When you click a cell, you’re presented with the option to use a shift template or create a custom shift.

  • If you’ve added shift templates, select a shift template to save time.
  • If you need to create a one-off shift or haven’t created any shift templates, click Create Custom Shift.

Shift details

Every shift is made up of the same building blocks.

NameAssign To
Description(Required) The user working the shift.
Description(Required) When the shift begins and ends.
NameUnpaid Break
Description(Optional) The length of the unpaid (lunch) break that the user should take during the shift, in minutes. If you use When I Work Time & Attendance, you can set up unpaid breaks to automatically deduct from the timesheets.
Description(Optional) The color for the shift.
Description(Optional) The position the user will be working, such as barista, cashier, or manager.
NameJob Site
Description(Optional) If the shift will take place off-site from your normal workplace, add a job site to let the user know where to go.
Description(Optional) Custom shift qualifications that cannot be easily captured by position alone. Tags are additional eligibility requirements that you can layer on top of positions.
NameShift Task List

(Optional) Specialized tasks that need to be completed by a certain user or during a specific shift. These tasks are to be completed by the user scheduled for the shift.

For more information, see Setting Up Shift Task Lists.

NameShift Notes
Description(Optional) Instructions or notes for the assigned user.
NameRepeat Shift
Description(Optional) Click to set up a repeating shift.
NameSave As Shift Template
Description(Optional) Click to create a shift template based on this shift.
Callout Name Description
a Assign To (Required) The user working the shift.
b Time (Required) When the shift begins and ends.
c Unpaid Break (Optional) The length of the unpaid (lunch) break that the user should take during the shift, in minutes. If you use When I Work Time & Attendance, you can set up unpaid breaks to automatically deduct from the timesheets.
d Color (Optional) The color for the shift.
e Position (Optional) The position the user will be working, such as barista, cashier, or manager.
f Job Site (Optional) If the shift will take place off-site from your normal workplace, add a job site to let the user know where to go.
g Tags (Optional) Custom shift qualifications that cannot be easily captured by position alone. Tags are additional eligibility requirements that you can layer on top of positions.
h Shift Task List

(Optional) Specialized tasks that need to be completed by a certain user or during a specific shift. These tasks are to be completed by the user scheduled for the shift.

For more information, see Setting Up Shift Task Lists.

i Shift Notes (Optional) Instructions or notes for the assigned user.
j Repeat Shift (Optional) Click to set up a repeating shift.
k Save As Shift Template (Optional) Click to create a shift template based on this shift.

Copying shifts

To copy a shift, hold the control key (or the command key if on a Mac) and click the shift you want to copy, then drag it to any cell.


As you move the shift around, icons appear to let you know whether eusers are qualified or have conflicts.

  • Thumbs up icon means the user is qualified to take the shift (based on position).
  • Thumbs down icon means the user is not qualified to take the shift (based on position).

Month view does not support drag and drop.

Reassigning shifts

Click and drag a shift to move it to a different user.

As you move the shift around, icons appear to let you know whether users are qualified or have conflicts.

  • Thumbs up icon means the user is qualified to take the shift (based on position).
  • Thumbs down icon means the user is not qualified to take the shift (based on position).

Month view does not support drag and drop.


Shifts are not visible to your employees until you publish the schedule. When the schedule is finished, click Publish & Notify in the top-left corner of the Scheduler.

publish button

For more details, see Publishing the Schedule.


Scheduler views allow you to build the schedule a day, week, or month at a time for each schedule. You can also switch to positions view if you prefer to build the schedule based on which positions need to be filled.scheduler views


DescriptionSwitch between the separate schedules.
DescriptionSort users in the users view. Choose between the following options:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Start Time (Day View)
  • Custom
NameDate picker
DescriptionChange the time period you’re viewing:

  • Click Left arrow button to go back to the previous day, week, or month (depending on your current view).
  • Click Right arrow button to go to the next day, week, or month (depending on your current view).
  • Click Calendar button to choose a specific date.
DescriptionClick to return to today’s schedule.
NameTime period
DescriptionClick the drop down menu to switch between day, week, and month view.
Callout Name Description
a Schedule Switch between the separate schedules.
b Users Sort users in the users view. Choose between the following options:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Start Time (Day View)
  • Custom
c Date picker Change the time period you’re viewing:

  • Click Left arrow button to go back to the previous day, week, or month (depending on your current view).
  • Click Right arrow button to go to the next day, week, or month (depending on your current view).
  • Click Calendar button to choose a specific date.
d Today Click to return to today’s schedule.
e Time period Click the drop down menu to switch between day, week, and month view.


Use filters to help you focus on the schedule for a particular position or job site.

scheduler filter options

NameView Options
DescriptionUse the selections in View Options to filter the schedule.

    • Select Users if you prefer to build the schedule based on who will be working.
    • Select Position if you prefer to build the schedule based on which positions need to be filled.
    • Select Coverage if you prefer to build the schedule in chronological order of shifts scheduled.

Users filter options:

  • Check Hide Unscheduled Users to hide users who don’t have shifts scheduled in the week you’re viewing.
  • Check Hide Filtered Users to hide users that you have filtered in the Scheduler.
  • Check Highlight Unconfirmed Shifts to highlight any shifts that have not been confirmed by the assigned employee.

Position filter options:

  • Check the Hide Unscheduled Positions checkbox to hide positions not assigned to shifts scheduled in the week you’re viewing.
  • Check Highlight OpenShifts to highlight all of the OpenShifts in your schedule to identify gaps in scheduling.
  • Check the Show Shifts at Other Schedules checkbox to display shifts scheduled on other schedules.

Coverage filter options:

  • Check Highlight OpenShifts to highlight all of the OpenShifts in your schedule to identify gaps in scheduling.

Use the View Shift Colors By drop down menu to color code the schedule by:

  • Shift
  • Position
  • Job Site
NameForecast Tools
DescriptionToggle Forecast Tools to display labor costs on the schedule.  Enter projected sales for each day to compare daily labor costs with daily revenue.
DescriptionShow and hide shifts based on position.

  • To view shifts for a position, click the position name.
  • To hide shifts for a position, click the box next to the position name.
DescriptionShow and hide shifts based on tags.

  • To view shifts for a tag, click the tag name.
  • To hide shifts for a tag, click the box next to the tag name.
NameJob Sites
DescriptionShow and hide shifts based on job site.

  • To view shifts for a job site, click the job site name.
  • To hide shifts for a job site, click the box next to the job site name.
DescriptionView, edit, and create new task lists for your schedule.
Callout Name Description
a View Options Use the selections in View Options to filter the schedule.

    • Select Users if you prefer to build the schedule based on who will be working.
    • Select Position if you prefer to build the schedule based on which positions need to be filled.
    • Select Coverage if you prefer to build the schedule in chronological order of shifts scheduled.

Users filter options:

  • Check Hide Unscheduled Users to hide users who don’t have shifts scheduled in the week you’re viewing.
  • Check Hide Filtered Users to hide users that you have filtered in the Scheduler.
  • Check Highlight Unconfirmed Shifts to highlight any shifts that have not been confirmed by the assigned employee.

Position filter options:

  • Check the Hide Unscheduled Positions checkbox to hide positions not assigned to shifts scheduled in the week you’re viewing.
  • Check Highlight OpenShifts to highlight all of the OpenShifts in your schedule to identify gaps in scheduling.
  • Check the Show Shifts at Other Schedules checkbox to display shifts scheduled on other schedules.

Coverage filter options:

  • Check Highlight OpenShifts to highlight all of the OpenShifts in your schedule to identify gaps in scheduling.

Use the View Shift Colors By drop down menu to color code the schedule by:

  • Shift
  • Position
  • Job Site
b Forecast Tools Toggle Forecast Tools to display labor costs on the schedule.  Enter projected sales for each day to compare daily labor costs with daily revenue.
c Positions Show and hide shifts based on position.

  • To view shifts for a position, click the position name.
  • To hide shifts for a position, click the box next to the position name.
d Tags Show and hide shifts based on tags.

  • To view shifts for a tag, click the tag name.
  • To hide shifts for a tag, click the box next to the tag name.
e Job Sites Show and hide shifts based on job site.

  • To view shifts for a job site, click the job site name.
  • To hide shifts for a job site, click the box next to the job site name.
f Tasks View, edit, and create new task lists for your schedule.

Filter indicators

If you have filtered the schedule, you can see what is filtered by looking for a red dot next to the filter heading.

filter notifications

If the filters menu is collapsed, the red dot appears next to the expand button to notify you that items have been filtered.

collapsed filter notification


The Scheduler tools provide advanced features like budget planning, printing, templates, and export.scheduler tools

Click to Auto-Assign shifts to your schedule
Bulk Edit Shifts
Click to edit multiple shifts in the scheduler.
Copy Previous Day/ Week
Click to copy the schedule from the previous day/week to the schedule you’re currently viewing.
Load Schedule Template
Click to load a previously saved schedule template.
Save Schedule Template
Click to save this schedule as a template so that you can save time by quickly recreating it again.
Update Existing Schedule Template
Click to update an existing schedule template.
Print Schedule
Click to print the schedule or save it as a spreadsheet (XLS format).
Export Schedule
Click to export the schedule to a spreadsheet file.
Clear Schedule
Click to remove all shifts from the current view.
Callout Name Description
a Auto-Assign Click to Auto-Assign shifts to your schedule
b Bulk Edit Shifts Click to edit multiple shifts in the scheduler.
c Copy Previous Day/ Week Click to copy the schedule from the previous day/week to the schedule you’re currently viewing.
d Load Schedule Template Click to load a previously saved schedule template.
e Save Schedule Template Click to save this schedule as a template so that you can save time by quickly recreating it again.
f Update Existing Schedule Template Click to update an existing schedule template.
g Print Schedule Click to print the schedule or save it as a spreadsheet (XLS format).
h Export Schedule Click to export the schedule to a spreadsheet file.
i Clear Schedule Click to remove all shifts from the current view.

User options

The user options display information about each user, allow you to update user information, and make quick updates to user’s schedules.

Name N / N
DescriptionThe user’s scheduled and maximum hours.

  • Scheduled hours: The number of hours user is currently scheduled to work.
  • Maximum hours: The maximum number of hours the user should be scheduled to work in a single week. You can set this limit in the user’s settings.

(All shifts confirmed)

DescriptionThe user has confirmed all assigned shifts.

(Some shifts confirmed)

DescriptionThe user has confirmed some assigned shifts.
NamePublish [user]’s Shifts
DescriptionClick to publish the user’s shifts.
NameUnpublish [user]’s Shifts
DescriptionClick to unpublish the user’s shifts.
NamePrint [user]’s Schedule
DescriptionClick to print the user’s shifts.
NameCopy [user]’s Previous Day / Week
DescriptionClick to copy the user’s shifts from the previous day/week to the schedule you’re currently viewing.
NameEdit [user]’s Details
DescriptionClick to update the user’s positions, access privileges, schedules, wages, and other details.
NameDelete [user]’s Shifts
DescriptionClick to delete user’s shifts on the current view.
Callout Name Description
a N / N The user’s scheduled and maximum hours.

  • Scheduled hours: The number of hours user is currently scheduled to work.
  • Maximum hours: The maximum number of hours the user should be scheduled to work in a single week. You can set this limit in the user’s settings.

(All shifts confirmed)

The user has confirmed all assigned shifts.

(Some shifts confirmed)

The user has confirmed some assigned shifts.
d Publish [user]’s Shifts Click to publish the user’s shifts.
e Unpublish [user]’s Shifts Click to unpublish the user’s shifts.
f Print [user]’s Schedule Click to print the user’s shifts.
g Copy [user]’s Previous Day / Week Click to copy the user’s shifts from the previous day/week to the schedule you’re currently viewing.
h Edit [user]’s Details Click to update the user’s positions, access privileges, schedules, wages, and other details.
i Delete [user]’s Shifts Click to delete user’s shifts on the current view.


Updated on November 12, 2024

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