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General Settings

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Input your workplace information and determine how your staff uses When I Work by configuring your General Settings.


  • This article is an overview of all available general settings. The settings in your account are dependent upon your plan. See your account’s Plans page or When I Work Pricing for more information and a full feature list.
  • You must have admin or manager level access to view and modify the General Settings.
  • If you make any changes to General Settings, click Save in the top-right corner of the screen.
Communicate settings changes to users

To avoid confusion, be sure to inform them of any changes to the account’s settings.

Accessing the General Settings

Hover over , then select  General Settings.

General Settings

App Settings

The App Settings section allows you to enter the basics of your account. app settings callouts

DescriptionAdd or change your logo.
DescriptionAdd or change the account name.
DescriptionAdd or change the account ID. The account ID is a number by default.
DescriptionSet the business listing information (business location and industry).
DescriptionChange the time zone.
DescriptionChange the start day of the work week.
DescriptionChange the primary contact for the account.
DescriptionChange the time format. By default, the account is set to 12-hour.
DescriptionChange the currency symbol. See the currencies supported by When I Work.
Callout Description
a Add or change your logo.
b Add or change the account name.
c Add or change the account ID. The account ID is a number by default.
d Set the business listing information (business location and industry).
e Change the time zone.
f Change the start day of the work week.
g Change the primary contact for the account.
h Change the time format. By default, the account is set to 12-hour.
i Change the currency symbol. See the currencies supported by When I Work.

Role Permissions

Role permissions allow you to customize permissions for managers and supervisors. For more information, see Role Permissions Reference.

role settings


Overtime settings allow you to set weekly, daily and double daily thresholds. This setting controls overtime on the timesheets. For more information, check out Setting Overtime Thresholds.


WorkChat is a feature that allows you and your staff to send messages and images in real time without exchanging personal contact information. For more information, see Managing WorkChat.

DescriptionSelect to allow supervisors and employees to post in the workplace channel. By default, only managers and account holders can post in the workplace channel.
DescriptionSelect to allow any user to create and post in additional channels. By default, no one can create or post in additional channels.
Callout Description
a Select to allow supervisors and employees to post in the workplace channel. By default, only managers and account holders can post in the workplace channel.
b Select to allow any user to create and post in additional channels. By default, no one can create or post in additional channels.
  • WorkChat is available for plans that support 1,000 or fewer users.
  • WorkChat cannot be enabled for an account with over 800 users.

User Privacy

Prevents your employees from seeing other employees’ names and contact information on the Coworkers tab. For more information, see Enabling Privacy for All Employees.

Updated on May 22, 2024

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