Tracking Scheduled Users

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If you are using both When I Work Scheduling and Attendance, the Also Working section on your mobile dashboard allows you to quickly view who is scheduled and who is clocked in or clocked out. You can also clock users in and out from this page on both the Android and iOS apps.

Tracking scheduled user

Tap the Also Working section on the dashboard to view the status of your scheduled users. The Also Working section will display under your Next Shift card on both the Android and iOS apps.Also working section callouts for both Android and iOS

Working statuses

The Also Working section shows the working status of scheduled users.

Who's working screen with status callouts

Missed clock in
The user was scheduled but did not clock in for their scheduled shift. The scheduled shift time is displayed under the user’s name.
Currently clocked in
The user is currently clocked in to their scheduled shift. The clock in time is displayed under the user’s name.
On lunch break
The user is currently on an unpaid break using the Take Lunch feature. The start time of the break is displayed under the user’s name.
The user is scheduled for a shift that has not started yet. The scheduled shift time is displayed under the user’s name.
Already worked
The user has completed their scheduled shift. The clock in and clock out time of the shift is displayed under the user’s name.
Callout Status Description
1 Missed clock in The user was scheduled but did not clock in for their scheduled shift. The scheduled shift time is displayed under the user’s name.
2 Currently clocked in The user is currently clocked in to their scheduled shift. The clock in time is displayed under the user’s name.
3 On lunch break The user is currently on an unpaid break using the Take Lunch feature. The start time of the break is displayed under the user’s name.
4 Scheduled The user is scheduled for a shift that has not started yet. The scheduled shift time is displayed under the user’s name.
5 Already worked The user has completed their scheduled shift. The clock in and clock out time of the shift is displayed under the user’s name.

Updated on October 28, 2022

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