OpenShifts appear when your employer creates shifts that you and your coworkers can pick up yourselves. Taking an OpenShift automatically adds the shift to your schedule.
You can also take OpenShifts from iPhone/iPad and Android.
- OpenShifts are available on a first come, first serve basis.
- OpenShifts are available for all qualified and available employees.
- Managers can choose to offer OpenShifts to specific employees. Only those employees have the option to pick up the shift.
- When I Work displays up to the next 60 days of OpenShifts or 500 OpenShifts total on the Dashboard and My Schedule page.
- Some OpenShifts may require pick up approval from management. See Bid On OpenShifts.
Take an OpenShift
- From the My Schedule page, scroll down to the Available Open Shifts section and find the OpenShift you’d like to take.Click Show All on the right side of the screen to display more OpenShifts.
- Hover your pointer over the OpenShift, then click Take Shift. To learn more about the shift before taking it, click Info.A confirmation prompt appears.
- Click Take Shift to confirm that you want the shift.