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Require OpenShift Pick Up Approval (Shift Bidding)

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Shift Bidding, also called “OpenShift Requests”, is an option within an OpenShift that allows users to express interest in the shift. Require pick up approval on OpenShifts to allow users to bid on the shift.

You can also require pick up approval from your Android device or iOS device.


  • The pick up approval option is available for OpenShifts that have multiple instances.
  • The pick up approval option is available for repeating OpenShifts.
  • The pick up approval option will not become unchecked when saving shift templates or copying shifts and schedules.

Require pick up approval

Create or edit an OpenShift in the scheduler to require pick up approval.

  1. Click Scheduler.

  2. Create or edit an OpenShift.
  3. Check the box for Require OpenShift Pick Up Approval.
  4. Save and/or publish the OpenShift:
    • Click Save & Publish if you’d like to publish the shift and eligible users.
    • Click Save if you don’t want to publish the shift yet. When you publish the shift, eligible users are notified and can request to pick up the shift.

Shifts requiring pick up approval are marked with a pick up approval icon in the scheduler.

Updated on October 3, 2022

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