Schedule Views

From your

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The When I Work Staff Scheduling app allows you to view the full schedule, OpenShifts, and your personal shifts.

If you have employee access privileges, check out employee schedule views article.

Opening the schedule

From the When I Work Staff Scheduling app, tap  Scheduler at the bottom of the screen. All Shifts view appears by default.

All Shifts view

All Shifts displays the full schedule one week at a time.

Tap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, position, or user. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
Month calendar
Tap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.

Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules or employees. 
Week calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
Daily hours
Number of hours scheduled on that date.
Tap to view shift details.
Total hours
Number of hours scheduled for the week.
Callout Name Description
a Filters Tap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, position, or user. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
b Month calendar Tap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.
c More
Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules or employees. 
d Week calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
e Daily hours Number of hours scheduled on that date.
f Shift Tap to view shift details.
g Total hours Number of hours scheduled for the week.

OpenShifts view

OpenShifts displays OpenShifts one week at a time.

Tap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, position, or user. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
Month calendar
Tap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.

Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules or employees. 
Week calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
Daily hours
Number of hours of scheduled OpenShifts on that date.
Tap to:

  • View shift details.
  • Take the shift.
  • Offer the shift to one or more users.
Total hours
Number of hours of OpenShifts for the week.
Callout Name Description
a  Filters Tap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, position, or user. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
b Month calendar Tap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.
c More
Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules or employees. 
d Week calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
e Daily hours Number of hours of scheduled OpenShifts on that date.
f OpenShift Tap to:

  • View shift details.
  • Take the shift.
  • Offer the shift to one or more users.
g Total hours Number of hours of OpenShifts for the week.

My Shifts view

My Shifts displays your shifts one week at a time.

Name Filters
DescriptionTap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, or position. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
Name Month calendar
DescriptionTap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.
Name More
Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules. 
NameWeek calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
Name Confirm shifts
DescriptionTap to confirm shifts for this week.
NameDaily hours
DescriptionNumber of hours you’re scheduled to work on that date.
DescriptionTap to view shift details.
NameTotal hours
DescriptionNumber of hours you’re scheduled to work during the week.
Callout Name Description
a Filters Tap to filter shifts by schedule, job site, or position. The badge indicates the number of filters that are currently active.
b Month calendar Tap to expand the monthly calendar.

  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous month.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next month.
c More
Add a Shift

Publish & Notify

  • Tap to publish the schedule.
    This action appears when you’ve filtered the schedule to specific schedules. 
d Week calendar
  • Tap a date to scroll to that day. A dot under a date indicates there are shifts on that day.
  • Swipe from left to right to go to the previous week.
  • Swipe from right to left to go to the next week.
e Confirm shifts Tap to confirm shifts for this week.
f Daily hours Number of hours you’re scheduled to work on that date.
g Shift Tap to view shift details.
h Total hours Number of hours you’re scheduled to work during the week.

Updated on November 1, 2022

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