Schedule Filtering

From your

Applies to , ,


You can filter shifts by schedules, job sites, positions, tags and users. If you like, you can apply multiple filters at once; in this case, only shifts that match all of the applied filters are displayed.

You can also filter the schedule from your computer or iPhone.

Accessing the schedule filters

  1. From the When I Work Scheduling app, tap Scheduler on the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap  in the top-right corner to view the filter options.
    The filters screen appears.

Filtering by schedule

  1. Tap Schedule.
  2. Tap the schedule that you want to view shifts for.
  3. Tap  to save your selection.
  4. (Optional) Apply job sites, positions, tags, or users filters.
  5. Tap Apply Filters.

Filtering by job site

  1. Tap Job Sites.
  2. Tap the job sites that you want to view shifts for.
    • Job sites with a  are included in the filter.
    • To clear the filter, tap All Job Sites.
  3. Tap to save your selection.
  4. (Optional) Apply schedules, positions, tags, or users filters.
  5. Tap Apply Filters.

Filtering by position

  1. Tap Positions.
  2. Tap the positions that you want to view shifts for.
    • Positions with a  are included in the filter.
    • To display shifts that have no position, tap No Position Assigned.
    • To clear the filter, tap All Positions.
  3. Tap to save your selection.
  4. (Optional) Apply schedules, job sites, tags, or users filters.
  5. Tap Apply Filters.

Filtering by tags

  1. Tap Tags.
  2. Tap the tags that you want to view shifts for. Tags with a are included in the filter.
  3. Tap to save your selection.
  4. (Optional) Apply schedules, job sites, positions, or users filters.
  5. Tap Apply Filters.

Filtering by users

  1. Tap Assignee.
  2. Tap the users that you want to view shifts for.
    • Users with a  are included in the filter.
    • To clear the employees filter, tap All Employees.
  3. Tap to save your selection.
  4. (Optional) Apply schedules, job sites, positions, or tags filters.
  5. Tap Apply Filters.

Reset filters

To reset all filters, tap Reset Filters on the filters screen.

Updated on August 30, 2023

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