Processing Shift Requests

From your

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When users ask to swap or drop a shift, you can use the When I Work Staff Scheduling app to process the requests from your iPhone.

You can also process requests from your computer or Android phone.



  1. From the When I Work Staff Scheduling app, tap the Shift Requests dashboard card.
  2. Tap the Swap or Drop request you want to process.Requests
    • Requests that require your approval are automatically moved to the top of the list.
    • Requests with a Pending Approval tag need action from a supervisor, manager, or admin.
    • Requests with a Pending Acceptance tag need action from users.
  3. (Optional) If you would like to change who the swap or drop request is offered to, clear the checkbox next to the shift (swap request) or user (drop request).View request
  4. Approve or deny the request.
    • To approve the request, tap Approve. Users on the request are automatically notified.
    • To deny the request, tap Deny. The user that submitted the request is automatically notified.
Updated on October 3, 2022

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