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Resetting a Forgotten Password

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Follow these instructions if you forgot your password and need to create a new one. If you know your current password, you can change your password from your profile.

Step 1: Request a password reset email

If you’ve forgotten your password, request a password reset email. The password reset email expires after one hour.

If you have any trouble receiving your password reset link, please contact our Customer Care team.

From a computer

From a computer, use a supported web browser to request a password reset email.

  1. Click the Forgot Password? button on the login page.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account.
  3. Click Send Reset Link.

A password reset email is sent to your address from [email protected]. Use this email to reset your password.

From an iOS device

Request a password reset email from the When I Work Staff Scheduling app:

  1. On the Log In screen, tap Forgot Password?.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account.
  3. Tap Send Reset Email.

A password reset email is sent to your address from [email protected]. Use this email to reset your password.

From an Android device

Request a password reset email from the When I Work Scheduling app:

  1. On the Log In screen, tap Forgot Password?.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account.
  3. Tap Send button.

A password reset email is sent to your address from [email protected]. Use this email to reset your password.

Step 2: Use the email to reset your password

Your new password:

  • Must be at least 10 characters long.
  • Cannot contain your email address.
  • Cannot be a common word like “password”.
  • Must not be found in the list of 10,000 most common weak passwords

  • Must be at least 60% unique, non-repeating letter combinations

  • Must be reset within one hour of requesting the password reset email.

  1. Find the password reset email that we sent you.
    • If you can’t find the email, check your spam filter.
    • If the email says there is no When I Work account associated with the email address you entered, follow the steps in I Can’t Reset My Password.
  2. In the email, click Reset your password.
    • If you’re using a computer or an iOS device, enter a new password in the webpage that opens in your browser.
    • If you’re using an Android device, open the link using the When I Work app if you’re prompted. Enter a new password, then tap Checkmark button in the top-right corner of the screen.
Updated on February 6, 2023

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