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Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS Integration Reference

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When I Work integrates with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS to increase operational efficiency through some automations. With this integration you can:

  • Automatically create and update users in When I Work based on your users in Lightspeed POS.
  • Review actual sales data from Lightspeed POS within your When I Work schedules.

You can elect to use one or all of the integrations to Lightspeed POS listed above. Check out Integration details for more information about each one.


  • You must be on a paid When I Work plan.
  • You must have a Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) product.
  • You must specify what Schedule in When I Work you want Lightspeed POS mapped to.
  • An active integration user profile must exist in the account. This profile occupies a seat in the workplace.

Get started

Use the following high level steps as a guide to help get your account set up.

  1. Contact Customer Care about the Lightspeed POS integration.
  2. Complete the Lightspeed POS Configuration Form that Care provides. The form includes additional steps that help get your account set up and verify information is accurate.
  3. Customer Care enables the integration for your When I Work account.

Integration details

Lightspeed POS user sync to When I Work

The user sync creates and updates users in When I Work based on user profiles created or edited in Lightspeed POS.


  • The user sync occurs daily at 7am EST. This sync can also be manually triggered by our Customer Care Team if needed.
  • Create and update users in When I Work based on the user’s email address.
    • Creation of an employee record by the integration and the reactivation of an existing worker record results in the employee being sent an invitation to join When I Work.
    • Update to an existing user record (other than re-activation) does not result in an invitation being sent.
  • Users that are terminated in Lightspeed POS are archived in When I Work.
  • The following objects are captured:
    • First Name: First part of Display Name
    • Last Name: Second part of Display Name
    • Email: Work email (only populated if field is blank in When I Work)
    • Schedule: A default location name is assigned to each When I Work user’s schedule field during user creation. The schedule field is not altered during updates to retain any manual options added later.
  • An email is sent to you if there are not enough available seats in your When I Work account to match all Lightspeed POS users.

Lightspeed POS sales data sync to When I Work Forecast Tools

The Lightspeed POS Sales Data sync updates the previous day’s sales amount by day and by Schedule in When I Work based on sales data captured in Lightspeed POS.


  • The sales data sync occurs daily at 3am EST. This sync can also be manually triggered if needed.
  • Actual Sales (Forecast Tools): Total sales for that day in Lightspeed POS.
Updated on April 25, 2024

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