If your users can’t make it to their shift, you can find a replacement to quickly find another user who can work the shift. The first user to accept the shift will be automatically assigned the shift to their schedule.
You can also find a replacement from your iPhone or Android phone.
From the Scheduler
Click Scheduler.
- Hover your cursor over the shift for which you need to find a replacement, click More button, then click Find Replacement.
- Select the users you’d like to be able to pick the shift up, then click Offer Shift. Only qualified users who aren’t already scheduled for a shift show as replacement options. If a user accepts the shift, it is automatically reassigned.Users are sent an email letting them know the shift is available. If you click to edit the shift after a replacement request has been initiated, click View Request at the bottom of the window to view the details of the replacement request.
From the Dashboard
- Go to the Dashboard.
- In Today’s Schedule, click the shift for which you need to find a replacement.
- Click Find Replacement.
- Select the users you’d like to be able to pick the shift up, then click Offer Shift.
NOTE: Only qualified users who aren’t already scheduled for a shift show as replacement options.After initiating the replacement, users are sent an email letting them know the shift is available. Shifts with pending Shift Requests are highlighted with in the Today’s Schedule widget.If a user accepts the shift, it’s automatically reassigned.