If you are using both When I Work Scheduling and Attendance, the Time Tracker tool allows you to quickly compare scheduled shifts with actual clocked in hours. You can also clock your users in to their shifts from this page.
Accessing the Time Tracker
Hover over Attendance, then select Time Tracker.
- If you have multiple schedules, select the schedule that you want to view.
Viewing Shifts in the Time Tracker
The Time Tracker shows shifts that are coming up and scheduled in light gray, similar to the day view within the Scheduler. However, the Time Tracker also shows actual clocked in hours, so you can see visually if someone is on break, clocking in too early or leaving late.
NOTE: Only users with scheduled shifts appear on the Time Tracker.
Times in green indicate that the user is currently clocked in. The start time is exactly when they were clocked in by either themselves or a manager.
Times in blue indicates that a user has completed their assigned shift and successfully clocked out.
Gray lines along the top of a shift represent scheduled time. Hover your mouse over the gray line to see the scheduled shift overlay with what was actually clocked in.
If you have multiple schedules, times outlined in blue represent a shift worked on a different schedule.
Times in dark green represent when a user took an unpaid lunch break. Hover your mouse over the break to see the duration and start time of the break.
Clocking Users In
If a user forgot to clock in, you can quickly clock them in from this page.
To manually clock in a user, click the cell for a user and input a start time. Input an end time if you’d want to clock them out ahead of time too. You can also input a Position as well. Click Create when finished.
NOTE: You can also clock users in and out for previous and future days by scrolling through the using either the calendar at the top left or by using the arrows.
Jump to a date
Jump to a specific date or today’s date using the navigation options in the top right corner.
- Click or to navigate to the previous or next day.
- Click Calendar button to select a specific date from the calendar. The selected date is highlighted in green on the calendar, and the current date is highlighted in yellow.
- Click the Today button to switch your view back to the current date.