Paid time off totals allow you to see how much paid time off you’ve taken from January 1st to the current date. The paid time off total includes PTO, sick, and holiday time off.
- Paid time off totals are only accessible through the When I Work web app.
- Paid time off totals include past and present approved paid time off. Unpaid time off is not included.
- If you have supervisor, manager, or admin access privileges you can view your user’s paid time off totals in addition to your own. If you’re an employee you can only view your own paid time off total.
- The Export button at the top of the page allows you to export time off totals for a user or everyone.
Hover over , then select Time Off Requests.
- Find a time off request for the user you want to view the totals for, then click on the time off request.
You can also search for a time off request using the search bar at the top of the page. - The year-to-date total displays PTO, Sick, and Holiday hours under [user]’s Paid Time Off Totals for [year].