Shifts Report Details

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Use the Shifts report data to understand how managers and employees are interacting with their schedule. For example, you can:

  • See which OpenShifts aren’t being filled
  • Identify no shows (blank time entry)


  • Shifts assigned to archived users are included in the report.
  • Data in the Shifts report are available in real-time. This means that data included in the report reflect the latest updates to the scheduler.

Field details

The following table includes details about each column in the Shifts report.

ColumnAccount ID
DescriptionAccount ID where the shift is scheduled.¹
ColumnAccount Name
DescriptionAccount name where the shift is scheduled.¹
ColumnSchedule ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the schedule.
ColumnSchedule Name
DescriptionName of the schedule.
ColumnShift ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the shift.
ColumnOpenShift Status
DescriptionIndicates if the shift is an OpenShift or an assigned shift.
ColumnOpenShift Count
DescriptionIf there is an OpenShift, this field indicates the number of OpenShifts available.
ColumnAssignee User ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the assigned user.
ColumnAssignee Name
DescriptionName (last, first) of the assigned user.
ColumnAssignee Employee ID
DescriptionEmployee ID of the assigned user.
ColumnStart Time
DescriptionDate and time when the shift starts.
ColumnEnd Date
DescriptionDate when the shift ends.
ColumnEnd Time
DescriptionTime when the shift ends.
ColumnUnpaid Break Length
DescriptionLength of the shift’s unpaid break.
DescriptionScheduled length of the shift, not including the unpaid break.
ColumnShift Position ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the shift’s position.
ColumnShift Position Name
DescriptionName of the shift’s position.
ColumnPosition ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the position worked.
ColumnPosition Name
DescriptionName of the position worked.
ColumnJob Site ID
DescriptionInternal ID for the shift’s job site.
ColumnJob Site Name
DescriptionName of the shift’s job site.
ColumnShift Notes
DescriptionNotes added to the shift.
ColumnCreated At
DescriptionDate and time when the shift was created.
ColumnCreator User ID
DescriptionInternal ID of the user that created the shift.
ColumnCreator Name
DescriptionName (last, first) of the user that created the shift.
ColumnPublished Status
DescriptionIndicates if the shift is published or unpublished.
ColumnPublished At
DescriptionDate and time when the shift was last published.
ColumnUpdated At
DescriptionDate and time when the shift was last edited.
ColumnLast Notified At
DescriptionDate and time when the assignee was last notified of the shift being published or updated.
ColumnConfirmed Status
DescriptionIndicates if the assigned user has confirmed the shift.
ColumnConfirmed At
DescriptionDate and time when the assigned user confirmed the shift.
ColumnAssignee Role
DescriptionRole of the assigned user.
ColumnAssignee Base Hourly Rate
DescriptionBase hourly rate of the assigned user.
ColumnAssignee Position Rate
DescriptionHourly rate the user earns when working the shift’s position.
ColumnHas Timeclock Entry
DescriptionIndicates if the assigned user has clocked in or clocked out for this shift.
Column Description
Account ID Account ID where the shift is scheduled.¹
Account Name Account name where the shift is scheduled.¹
Schedule ID Internal ID of the schedule.
Schedule Name Name of the schedule.
Shift ID Internal ID of the shift.
OpenShift Status Indicates if the shift is an OpenShift or an assigned shift.
OpenShift Count If there is an OpenShift, this field indicates the number of OpenShifts available.
Assignee User ID Internal ID of the assigned user.
Assignee Name Name (last, first) of the assigned user.
Assignee Employee ID Employee ID of the assigned user.
Start Time Date and time when the shift starts.
End Date Date when the shift ends.
End Time Time when the shift ends.
Unpaid Break Length Length of the shift’s unpaid break.
Length Scheduled length of the shift, not including the unpaid break.
Shift Position ID Internal ID of the shift’s position.
Shift Position Name Name of the shift’s position.
Position ID Internal ID of the position worked.
Position Name Name of the position worked.
Job Site ID Internal ID for the shift’s job site.
Job Site Name Name of the shift’s job site.
Shift Notes Notes added to the shift.
Created At Date and time when the shift was created.
Creator User ID Internal ID of the user that created the shift.
Creator Name Name (last, first) of the user that created the shift.
Published Status Indicates if the shift is published or unpublished.
Published At Date and time when the shift was last published.
Updated At Date and time when the shift was last edited.
Last Notified At Date and time when the assignee was last notified of the shift being published or updated.
Confirmed Status Indicates if the assigned user has confirmed the shift.
Confirmed At Date and time when the assigned user confirmed the shift.
Assignee Role Role of the assigned user.
Assignee Base Hourly Rate Base hourly rate of the assigned user.
Assignee Position Rate Hourly rate the user earns when working the shift’s position.
Has Timeclock Entry Indicates if the assigned user has clocked in or clocked out for this shift.

¹May be a parent account or child account.

Example scenarios

Check out Shifts Report Example Scenarios for more information about detailed report scenarios.

Updated on April 3, 2023

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