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  4. Finding a Replacement for a Shift

Finding a Replacement for a Shift

From your

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If a user is unable to work an assigned shift, you can offer the shift to other qualified users. The first user to accept the offer is automatically assigned to work the shift.

You can also find a replacement from your computer or Android phone.


  1. From the When I Work Staff Scheduling app, tap Schedule at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap the shift that needs a replacement user.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, tap Find Replacement.Shift Details Screen
  4. (Optional) Add a descriptive message. Users see this message in the notification that a shift is available.Find Replacement Screen
  5. In the Potential Takers list, select the users that you want to offer the shift to.
    • The list includes users that are qualified (based on position) and available to take the shift.
    • Users with a will be offered the shift. Tap a user to add or remove the .
  6. Tap Send in the top-right corner of the screen.
  7. Tap Save to confirm. The users you selected are notified that the shift is available.

A yellow exclamation point appears next to the shift while the replacement request is pending.

Updated on September 29, 2022

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