Scheduling Breaks

From your

Applies to , ,


Scheduling breaks allows you to communicate with your team when they should take their breaks directly within their shift.

If you are out and on the go, breaks can also be added from your iOS device or Android device. They can also be saved into any new/existing Shift Templates!


  • Break times cannot overlap with one another
  • Break start times must exist within the time of the scheduled shift
  • Total break duration cannot exceed total length of the scheduled shift
  • Multiple breaks can be added; up to 100 per shift


Steps to add a break


  1. Click the [+ Add a Break] button
  2. Add the length of the break
  3. Choose whether the break is considered paid or unpaid
  4. Set the optional start time of the break
  5. Click Add Break to save this break in the shift



  1. Where can my team see this information?
    • Employee users can see this by clicking on the shift on the My Schedule tab:
    • Employee users can also see this on the Team Schedule tab by hovering over the shift to display the details:

      *Note: This view is similar to the Supervisor, Manager, and Admin view of the Scheduler tab.
    • Users can see breaks by tapping on a specific shift in the mobile app displaying the shift details on both iOS and Android devices:
    • In Day View of the Scheduler, breaks are indicated by a different shade of the shift color and line up with the time of the break. Hovering over the shift will show the details here as well:
Updated on March 12, 2025

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